Sun, 22 June 2014
On this show I do a live bootleg and show review of The Robin Zander band at Slims in San Francisco on June 17,1014.
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Thanks to this weeks donors: Eric Mortenson Richard Van Yperen The Devil and Jack Obrien Jay Kumar Magnus Stensson Matt Syverson Ralph Miller Dave Slusher - The Evil Genius Chronicles Eric Mortenson Todd Cunningham Chiaki Hinohara- The Metal Moment Podcast - $100 Justin Simonsen The White Line Fever Podcast Stephen Mascord Patrick Leuenberger Kelly Mitchell Anthony LoScalzo Chris Stanley Alex Oliver - Bathroom Wall T-Shirts Dan McBride Peter Spark Chris Harrison David Ivy Paul Fonderie Jason Smith Jeff Thieleke Jeff Vrechek Adrian Boschan Dean Gillispie
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