Sat, 30 December 2023
On this episode I talk about my Christmas and birthday, play show reviews from Tim Smith the Rock and Roll and JB from Colorado and I spin the iTunes Wheel.
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1269_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:53pm EST
Wed, 20 December 2023
K.K. Downing said that the worst album he made was Point of Entry from 1981. We listen to it again and compare it to some other songs and see if it is still MY FAVORITE Judas Priest album. Music by Judas Priest Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Venmo Donations Anonymous - $400 Joe Klein Donation Joe Pawlak - $200 Joe Klein Donation Tim Schall - $100 Kirk Crawford - $50 Gary Goodman - $20 Podcast HOF and first time donor Richard Fusey - $15 Steven Cohen - $10 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.24 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Magnus Stensson - $100 Birthday Xmas Donation Michael Street - $62 Birthday Donation and Joe Klein Michael Cranston - $50 Joe Klein Donation Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Ralph Miller - $12.75 RnR Geek Book Club Payola thanks to Chris Capelle Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 William Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Lasse Satvetdhagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 William Moffett - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1268_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:22pm EST
Fri, 8 December 2023
On this episode I talk about the Podcast Hall of Fame, Miles Goodwyn, we get show reviews from Jeff Thieleke, Charles Walker and a Does it Hold Up? Triumph's Just a Game from 1979. Music by April Wine Fast Eddy The Chats Ace Frehley Triumph Billy Tibbals Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Venmo Donations Charles Walker $100 JD Cohen $50 Kirk Crawford $50 Richard Fusey $19.55 Stevan Cohen - $10 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.24 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Michael Street and Joe Pawlak - $85 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 William Bealle - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 James Venners - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke- $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Kai Matsuda- $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 John Ofenloch - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1267_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:38pm EST
Thu, 30 November 2023
Friend of the show and super rock and roll geek Sandy Hyde joins me on this episode. We play all Canadian music and talk music, tour stories, car crashes and a lot more. Music by Goddo Hot Hot Heat Art Bergman Chixdiggit The Trews Danko Jones The Jolts AciidzThe Dirty Nil Doughboys
Sandy Hyde Links Dirtbag Republic Mcrackins Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.24 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1266_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:59pm EST
Thu, 23 November 2023
In honor of the gift from friend of the show Michael Street, nn this episode I replay an interview with legendary record producer Tom Werman from 2011. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1265.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 3:14pm EST
Wed, 15 November 2023
The first show since returning from the Handsome Dick Manitoba New England Adventure. I talk about being sick for a week, I compare new songs from Thundermother and The Gems, I play a show review of Guns N Roses in Canada and do a track by track review of Sophie Lloyd - Imposter Syndrome. Music by: CJ Wildheart Marvelous 3 Thundermother The Gems Sophie Lloyd Velvet Insane Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Venmo Donations Charles Walker $100 - Loved the East Coast Manitoba tour reports. Also a big Torpedo Head fan now because of you. Wasted Years rocks. JD Cohen $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Richard Fusey $21.12 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors John Morgan - $100 Michael Street and Joe Pawlak - $85 Steven Laperriere - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Jason Gerken - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 William Bealle - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Joh Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1264_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:30pm EST
Tue, 7 November 2023
The Handsome Dick Manitoba New England Adventure is over. We are heading home. Thank you to all of our friends who made the trip Music by: J Geils Band Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: HDMNE-7.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:33am EST
Sun, 5 November 2023
It's the final show of The Handsome Dick Manitoba New England Adventure We are in Yarmouth, Mass Music by: J Geils Band Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: HDMNE-6.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:51pm EST
Fri, 3 November 2023
The Handsome Dick Manitoba New England Adventure We are in Holyoke, Mass Music by: J Geils Band Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: HDMNE-5.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:02pm EST
Thu, 2 November 2023
The Handsome Dick Manitoba New England Adventure continues on to Portland, Maine Music by: J Geils Band Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: HDMNE4.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:35pm EST
Wed, 1 November 2023
From the van on the way to show 2 of the Handsome Dick Manitoba New England Adventure Music by: J Geils Band Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: HDMNE-3.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 1:57pm EST
Mon, 30 October 2023
Day 2 of the Handsome Dick Manitoba New England Adventure.. St Marks Hotel, club Berlin rehearsals , drinking with friends and more Music by: J Geiks Band Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: HDMNE-2.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:23pm EST
Sun, 29 October 2023
Day 1 of the Handsome Dick Manitoba New England Adventure Im at the airport Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: HDMNE-1.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:29pm EST
Tue, 24 October 2023
On this episode I do a track by track review of the new Rolling Stones record, Hackney Diamonds Music by: Rolling Stones Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1256_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:08pm EST
Sun, 22 October 2023
On this episode I talk about getting chased by a coyote, Handsome Dick Manitoba practice, an interesting email, 2 Darkness show reviews, Joey Belladona Journey tribute show review, a Tommy Stinson show review and more. Music by: Dwight Twilley The Replacements The Darkness Tommy Stinson Crossbone Skully Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Dan Gerawan - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Charles Walker - $100 Mike Millard - $7.50 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1255_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:32am EST
Mon, 9 October 2023
On this episode Sven Spacebrain from Torpedohead joins me to talk with original L.A. Guns bass player, Kelly Nickels, about one of Sven's favorite records, HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRES. Music by: L.A. Guns Website: www. Kelly Nickels online store: Facebook Instagram Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Charles Walker - $100 Tim Schall - $50 Kirk Crawford $50 Mike Millard - $7.50 Moya Watson - $5.91 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg. Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 James Venners - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 William Bealle - $10 Brett Garske - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jayce Lsniewski - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1254_mixdown.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:13pm EST
Fri, 6 October 2023
On this episode I talk about the Darkness show, which was the first night of the Permission to Land 20th Anniversary tour, I play a rehearsal review of Torpedohead from long time friend of the show Seth Massing, I play a brand new song from Torpedohead, I talk about an album that Justin Hawkins produced that I overlooked, I read Bruce Springsteen's tour rider and MUCH MUCH MORE. Music by: Torpedohead The Hi-End The Comancheros Foxy Shazam The Wildhearts CJ Wildheart Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Charles Walker - $100 Kirk Crawford $50 Mike Millard - $7.50 Moya Watson - $5.91 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg. Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 James Venners - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 William Bealle - $10 Brett Garske - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jayce Lsniewski - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1253_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:55pm EST
Wed, 27 September 2023
On this episode I talk about a couple of music docs and I do a track by track review of the new Danko Jones record, Electric Sounds Music by: Danko Jones Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford $50 Tim Schall - $50 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Moya Watson - $5.91 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $40 Steven Laperriere - $30 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 William Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 John Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyuer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattridge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1252_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:04pm EST
Sat, 23 September 2023
On this episode talk about the Rick Springfield show and compare notes with JB from Colorado, formerly JB from Dallas, etc. etc. I also talk about going to the Punk In Drublic festival with Casey and much more. Music by: The Hi-End Diamond Dogs Get Dead Screaming Jets The Bites The Uppers Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB from Colorado $100 Stick it to the man cash donation John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford $50 Tim Schall - $50 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Moya Watson - $5.91 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.22 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $40 Steven Laperriere - $30 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 William Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 John Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyuer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattridge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1251_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:06am EST
Thu, 14 September 2023
On this episode I talk with Chris Catalyst. Chris is the main guy in Eureka Machines, he has played with The Sisters of Mercy,Ghost, The Professionals, Ugly Kid Joe and others. He has a new solo album out on Oct 6th called Mad In England Links: Chris Catalyst Website Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube PURCHASE MAD IN ENGLAND Music by: Chris Catalyst Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! John Nashed $50 Stick it to the man cash donation Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford $50 Tim Schall - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Moya Watson - $5.19 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20teven Laperriere - $30 Richard Strom - $20 Chad Kiffmeyer - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Greg Broffer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 James Venner - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Brett Garske - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1250_mixdown.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 3:45pm EST
Wed, 6 September 2023
On this episode I wing it. I had nothing planned so it starts off as a trainwreck and goes downhill from there but Steven Cohen and Tim Smith save it with some great audio comments. Music by: Chris Catalyst Skyhooks The Carbureters Foghat Styx Rolling Stones Black Oak Arkansas Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford $50 Moya Watson - $50 Tim Schall - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20teven Laperriere - $30 Richard Strom - $20 Chad Kiffmeyer - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Greg Broffer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 James Venner - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Brett Garske - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1249_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:05pm EST
Thu, 31 August 2023
This is day 31 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Chris Capelle, The Rock n Roll Copywriter calls in with a random thought about the Stick it To The Man book idea and it's a great one. Also, friend of the show, Benjamin Mueller calls in with an Alice Cooper/Rob Zombie show review Music by: Alice Cooper Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Moya Watson - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $12 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Metaldan - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 William Bealle - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Joh OFenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kifffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_31_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:37pm EST
Wed, 30 August 2023
This is day 30 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Friend of the show Steven Laperriere calls in with another random thought of the day and I do a track by track review of the new record by The Casanovas, Backseat Rhythms. Music by: The Casanovas Purchase Backseat Rhythms HERE Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Moya Watson - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $12 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Metaldan - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 William Bealle - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Joh OFenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kifffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_30_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:58pm EST
Tue, 29 August 2023
This is day 29 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Friend of the show Steven Cohen calls in with another random thought of the day and I compare my thoughts with his. Music by: The Screaming Jets Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Moya Watson - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $12 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Metaldan - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 William Bealle - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Joh OFenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kifffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_29_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:29pm EST
Mon, 28 August 2023
This is day 28 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I forgot what day it was Music by: The Casanovas Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Moya Watson - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $12 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Metaldan - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 William Bealle - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Joh OFenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kifffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_28.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 9:51pm EST
Sun, 27 August 2023
This is day 27 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I’m back in the treestand I talk about last night’s hunt Music by: Judas Priest Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Moya Watson - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $12 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Metaldan - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 William Bealle - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Joh OFenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kifffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_27.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 9:34pm EST
Sat, 26 August 2023
This is day 26 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I give a hunting update and friend of the show Steven Cohen calls in with a Random Thought of The Day Music by: Foghat Preorder Sonic Mojo from Foghat Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Moya Watson - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $12 Richard Fusey - $6.65 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Metaldan - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 William Bealle - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Joh OFenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kifffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_26_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:07pm EST
Fri, 25 August 2023
This is day 25 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I’m sitting in a treestand in Trinity County, CA trying to get a deer Music by: The Replacements Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Moya Watson - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $12 Richard Fusey - $6.66 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Metaldan - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 William Bealle - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Joh OFenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kifffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_25.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:24pm EST
Thu, 24 August 2023
This is day 24 of the Dog Days of Podcasting.On this episode I do a track by track review of the new album by Alice Cooper, ROAD Music by: Alice Cooper Purchase Road Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Moya Watson - $50 Brian Grattidge - $31 Richard Fusey - $12 Richard Fusey - $6.66 Richard Fusey - $5.99 Steven Cohen - $5 (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.20 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Metaldan - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Douglas Free - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 William Bealle - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.69 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Joh OFenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kifffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1241_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:53pm EST
Wed, 23 August 2023
This is day 23 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Friend of the show John Nashed calls in with a Nazareth show review. Music by: Nazareth Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_23_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:16pm EST
Tue, 22 August 2023
This is day 21 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Friend of the show Bruce McMillan calls in with a mystery show reveiw. Music by: Suzi Quatro Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_22_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 9:57pm EST
Mon, 21 August 2023
This is day 21 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Friend of the show Paul Houston calls in with a show review of The Good The Bad and The Zugly in Stockholm Sweden. Music by: The Good The Bad and The Zugly Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_21_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:46pm EST
Mon, 21 August 2023
This is day 20 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Casey calls in with a marathon show review of Rod Stewart at Shoreline Amphitheater and it turns into a geek out session. Music by: Rod Stewart Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_20_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:07am EST
Sat, 19 August 2023
This is day 19 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I tell a story about why I’m not playing in Exodus Music by: The Etiquette Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_19.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:55pm EST
Fri, 18 August 2023
This is day 18 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Chris Capelle, the Rock n Roll Copywriter, calls in with a Metallica No Repeats Weekend show review. Music by: Diamond Dogs Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_18_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:24pm EST
Fri, 18 August 2023
This is day 17 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Long time first time caller Matt calls in with a Rick Springfield show review. I had a few too many beers at dinner with Chiaki and I ruin everything, Music by: Rick Springfield Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_17_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:47am EST
Thu, 17 August 2023
This is day 16 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I talk about my life and a review of the Long Beach show in LA Weekly Music by: The Boatsmen Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: DDOP2023_16_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 1:25am EST
Wed, 16 August 2023
This is day 15 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I think I’m losing my cooking abilities but I’m an even worse recording engineer Music by: Eddie and The Hot Rods Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_15.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Tue, 15 August 2023
This is day 14 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I’m home at 12:14 am after a long drive from San Diego goodnight Music by: Keith Richards Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Bob Hezlep $100 Stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_14.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 3:38am EST
Sun, 13 August 2023
This is day 13 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. On this episode I recap last night’s Long Beach show and today’s show in San Diego Music by: DGeneration Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_13.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:16pm EST
Sat, 12 August 2023
This is day 12 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I’m in Long Beach, Ca at Alex’s Bar it’s the 2nd to the last show of the Handsome Dick Manitoba tour I wish it was going on for a lot longer Music by: Wildhearts Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_12.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 9:20pm EST
Sat, 12 August 2023
This is day 101of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I’m recording this from the motel in Anaheim , CA Music by: Million Dollar Reload < Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_11.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:35am EST
Thu, 10 August 2023
This is day 10 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. We are in Albany Ca at the Ivy Room for day 3 of the Handsome Dick Manitoba CA mini tour. Music by: The Tip Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $
Direct download: Ddop2023_10.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:47pm EST
Wed, 9 August 2023
This is day 9 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. We are on Fresno, CA at Fulton55 on the 2nd show of the Handsome Dick Manitoba CA mini tour Music by The Godz Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_9.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:00pm EST
Tue, 8 August 2023
This is day 8 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. I recorded this episode while loading in to the first show of the Handsome Dick Manitoba tour in Morto Bay, CA Music by: The Treatment Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_8.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:06pm EST
Mon, 7 August 2023
This is day 7 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. On this episode I do a track by track review of the new Mammoth WVH album, Mammoth II Music by: McFly Mammoth WVH Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1223_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:51pm EST
Sun, 6 August 2023
This is day 6 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. Derryk Ataide calls in with a Sammy Hagar and The Circle show review. Music by Montrose Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1222_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 3:59pm EST
Sun, 6 August 2023
This is day 5 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. This was the last day of rehearsals and ready or not, here we come! Music by CJ Wildheart Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: Ddop2023_5.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 2:09am EST
Sat, 5 August 2023
This is day 4 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. On this episode Chuck Speer calls in with a Ted Nugent show review and it sends me into geek out mode. Music by Ted Nugent Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1221_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:06am EST
Thu, 3 August 2023
This is day 3 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. On this episode I talk about baseball and rock and roll and Jewish food Music by The Flexapleasers Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1220_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:27pm EST
Wed, 2 August 2023
This is day 2 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. On this episode I open my mail and play a show review from The Rock n Roll Copywriter. Thank you Ralph Miller for the awesome Giants jersey! Music by Trading Aces Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo Donations Kirk Crawford - $100 Venmo Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1219_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:58pm EST
Tue, 1 August 2023
This is day 1 of the Dog Days of Podcasting. On this episode I speak with Jason "Ginchy" Kottwitz from The Oxys. Oxys Links The Oxys Website Facebook Instagram TikTok Twitter Bandcamp Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo donations Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo Dam Gerawam - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1218_mixdown.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:36am EST
Sat, 29 July 2023
On this episode, in honor of the Handsome Dick Manitoba California Sun shows coming up in a little over a week, I play some of my favorite Dictators/Manitoba songs. Music by The Dictators Manitoba's Wild Kingdom Handsome Dick Manitoba Handsome Dick Manitoba Tour Dates and ticket links: Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! JB Skulls $200 stick it to the man donation Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Venmo donations Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo Dam Gerawam - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $12 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey - $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Tim Smith - $10 William Bealle - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1217_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:40pm EST
Mon, 17 July 2023
On this episode from the mountain house, I talk about my life, The Rock and Roll Copywriter calls in with a couple of show reviews, I talk about an article on Ultimate Classic Rock where they list the top 20 songs of 2023 (so far) and much more. Music by The Muffs Phil Lynott's Grand Slam Weezer The Dictators Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Tim Schall - $100 Venmo Kirk Crawford $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith $25 Venmo Richard Fusey - $11 Venmo Richard Fuesy $7.77 Venmo Richard Fusey $5 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo Rob Brown - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.18 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Stowell - $4 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Paypal Donors Steven Laperriere - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Gregg Brofer $20 Dave Franco - $20 Douglas Free - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 James Venners - $10 Michael Stitik - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 William Beale - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Tim Smith - $10 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Richard Fusey - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Dave Alexander - $2 Jayce Lesniewski - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1216_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:20pm EST
Sun, 2 July 2023
On this episode I talk to Stevie Salas. In addition to being a guitarist, music and film producer, he wrote a really great book called WHEN WE WERE THE BOYS: Coming of Age on Rod Stewart's Out of Order Tour Music by This Kids The Pandoras Purchase When We Were The Boys Stevie Salas Website Stevie Salas Facebook Stevie Salas Twitter Stevie Salas Instagram Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Darryk's Blind Squirrel Youtube Channel Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Paul Smith - $25 Venmo Richard Fusey $11 Venmo Richard Fusey - $8.98. Venmo Rob Brown - $5 Venmo Staven Cohen - $5.Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.16 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Michael Stitik - $25 Douglas Free - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Willam Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 John OFenloch - $5 Michael Stitik - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Lasse Satvethagen- $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1215_mixdown.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:11pm EST
Sat, 24 June 2023
I've had too many Pacificos as I'm doing these show notes and this show had so much I can't remember everything we covered but it was a lot. I break out a great Alice Cooper triple disc vinyl someone sent me, I talk about Dolly Parton's rock record, I do a track by track of the new Extreme record and much more. Music by Alice Cooper The Dictators Vandenberg The Gems The Lloyds Dolly Parton Extreme Mcrackins Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.16 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Michael Stitik - $25 Douglas Free - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Willam Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 John OFenloch - $5 Michael Stitik - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Lasse Satvethagen- $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1214_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:46pm EST
Fri, 23 June 2023
Help I’ve been kidnapped! Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.16 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Michael Stitik - $25 Douglas Free - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Willam Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 John OFenloch - $5 Michael Stitik - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Lasse Satvethagen- $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShiw_1215.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:13am EST
Sat, 17 June 2023
An update from Ixtapa, Mexico Music by: The Babys Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.16 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Michael Stitik - $25 Douglas Free - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Willam Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 John OFenloch - $5 Michael Stitik - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Lasse Satvethagen- $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $
Direct download: Mexico2.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:07pm EST
Wed, 14 June 2023
I’m in Ixtapa, Mexico going on a fishing trip ALONE and I speak and understand ZERO Spanish. What could go wrong? Music by: Thin Lizzy Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.16 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Michael Stitik - $25 Douglas Free - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Willam Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 John OFenloch - $5 Michael Stitik - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Lasse Satvethagen- $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: Mexico1.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:22pm EST
Tue, 6 June 2023
I'm heading to Hawaii in the morning to pick up my daughter and grandkid. The house is going to be a living sitcom. I'm both looking forward to it and scared shitless about it but it's happening. I talk about that, my weekend and more. I talk about the upcoming California dates with Handsome Dick Manitoba and play a Dictators song of the week. I also do a track by track review of the new EP from Joan Jett and The Blackhearts, Mindsets. Music by: Elegant Weapons Andy Taylor The Dictators Joan Jett and The Blackhearts The Bellrays Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Darryk Ataide - $50 Cash stick it to the man donation. Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Nadi Itani - $50 Venmo Richard Fusey $19 Venmo Richard Fusey - $8.98 Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.16 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Michael Stitik - $25 Douglas Free - $20 Blake Johnston - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 Willam Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 John OFenloch - $5 Michael Stitik - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Lasse Satvethagen- $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1210_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:50pm EST
Sat, 27 May 2023
On this episode I play show reviews of Blackberry Smoke, Anne Wilson, Jeff Beck, ZZ Top and John Mellancamp from Bruce the Rock n Roll Banker and JB from Colorado. Also, I talk about Fishing, My Daughter moving back home, singers that play in several bands, and much more disjointed merriment. Music by : Danko Jones Joe Perry ZZ Top Elegant Weapons Joan Jett Bad Sex Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Tim Schall - $50 Venmo Brian Springer - $60 Venmo Kirk Crawford $50 Venmo Nadi Itani - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Rockbottom Rob - $20 Venmo Richard Fusey $19 Venmo Richard Fusey $8.99 Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo Jason Gerken - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.16 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Michael Stitik - $25 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Ralph Miller - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 James Venners - $10 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Adam Gerstein $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1209_02.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:19pm EST
Sat, 20 May 2023
On this episode I do a track by track review of the new Winger album, Seven. Also Chris Capelle, the Rock and Roll Copywriter calls in with a Cheap Trick show review and more. Music by : Velvet Insane Lost Hearts Rock City Machine Co. Manitoba's Wild Kingdom Winger MC Conkietonk Junkyard Rockstories Website Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Brian Springer - $60 Venmo Kirk Crawford $50 Venmo Nadi Itani - $50 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Rockbottom Rob - $20 Venmo Richard Fusey $19 Venmo Richard Fusey - $9.99 Venmo Richard Fusey - $7 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo Jason Gerken - $5 Venmo Richard Fusey - $3 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.16 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Steve Morris - $17.87 Ralph Miller - $10 William Bealle - $10 James Venners - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Richard Fusey - $8.88 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Joh Ofenloch - $5 Michael Stitik - $5 Jennifer Wildbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Lasase Satvedthagen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1208_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:28am EST
Thu, 11 May 2023
On this episode I talk with Mike Corcione, former road manager for L.A. Guns, who wrote a book called Tales From The Gutter. Music by : Sweet Pain Purchase Tales From The Gutter Mike Corcione Linktree Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Brian Springer - $60 Venmo in honor of his 60th Birthday Kirk Crawford - $107 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo Rob Giglio - $20 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo Jason Gerkin $5 Venmo for the 4th house Richard Fusey - $3 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.13 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Jon Richardson - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Richard Fusey - $20.20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Jason Gerken - $20 Explosive Poop Story donation Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steve Morris - $17.87 Richard Fusey - $11.25 Ralph Miller - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $8.88 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Vincent Crimi - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1207_mixdown.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 9:38pm EST
Tue, 9 May 2023
On this episode I revisit a lost American Heartbreak release called You Can't Kill Rock n Roll on Coldfront Records Music by : American Heartbreak Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Brian Springer - $60 Venmo in honor of his 60th Birthday Kirk Crawford - $107 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo Rob Giglio - $20 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo Jason Gerkin $5 Venmo for the 4th house Richard Fusey - $3 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.13 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Jon Richardson - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Richard Fusey - $20.20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Jason Gerken - $20 Explosive Poop Story donation Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steve Morris - $17.87 Richard Fusey - $11.25 Ralph Miller - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $8.88 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Vincent Crimi - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1206_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:56pm EST
Sat, 6 May 2023
On this episode I play show reviews from Lars Lenova and Chuck Speer, talk about the Aerosmith Peace Out tour and more. Music by : Ravagers Ginger Wildheart Cheap Trick Hangmen Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Brian Springer - $60 Venmo in honor of his 60th Birthday Kirk Crawford - $107 Venmo Dan Gerawan - $50 Venmo Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo Rob Giglio - $20 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo Jason Gerkin $5 Venmo for the 4th house Richard Fusey - $3 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.13 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Jon Richardson - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Richard Fusey - $20.20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Jason Gerken - $20 Explosive Poop Story donation Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steve Morris - $17.87 Richard Fusey - $11.25 Ralph Miller - $10 William Bealle - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Richard Fusey - $8.88 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Vincent Crimi - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1205_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:46pm EST
Sun, 30 April 2023
I'm feeling a little under the weather but I power through it and do a podcast. I also interview a guy who claims to be me. Music by : Poison Gino and The Goons Lynyrd Skynyrd Scorpi0ns American Heartbreak Thin Lizzy Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Brian Springer - $60 Venmo in honor of his 60th Birthday Kirk Crawford - $107 Venmo Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo Rob Giglio - $20 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.13 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Jon Richardson - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Richard Fusey - $25 Dave Franco - $20 Jason Gerken - $20 - explosive poop story donation Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Fusey - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steve Morris - $17.87 Richard Fusey - $11.25 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 James Venners - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John OFenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Dale Roller - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1204_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 9:14am EST
Wed, 26 April 2023
On this episode I do a track by track showdown between new albums by Angel and L.A. Guns. Music by : Stevo & The Shotlights Ted Nugent Angel L.A. Guns Jetboy Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Brian Springer - $60 Venmo in honor of his 60th Birthday Kirk Crawford - $107 Venmo Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo Rob Giglio - $20 Venmo Steven Cohen - $5 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6.13 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Dan McBride - $3 Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Jon Richardson - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Richard Fusey - $25 Dave Franco - $20 Jason Gerken - $20 - explosive poop story donation Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Fusey - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steve Morris - $17.87 Richard Fusey - $11.25 Jason Shepard - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 James Venners - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John OFenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Dale Roller - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1203_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:09pm EST
Sat, 22 April 2023
On this episode Cowboy Mach Bell returns to the show. We talk about his health, The Joe Perry Project and his band, The Mach Bell Experience Music by : Mach Bell Experience Once A Rocker Website Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Kirk Crawford - $107 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo - Rock Bottom Rob - $20 Venmo Mike Millard 5.75 hobo beer Venmo donation Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Dan McBride - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Richard Fusey - $25 Richard Fusey - $20.02 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Fusey - $15.50 Richard Fusey - $11.25 Jason Shepard - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Shephen Mascord - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1202.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:25pm EST
Fri, 21 April 2023
On this bonus episode I do a track by track review of the new Ian Hunter record, Defiance Part 1 Music by : Ian Hunter Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Kirk Crawford - $107 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo - Rock Bottom Rob - $20 Venmo Mike Millard 5.75 hobo beer Venmo donation Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Dan McBride - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Richard Fusey - $25 Richard Fusey - $20.02 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Fusey - $15.50 Richard Fusey - $11.25 Jason Shepard - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Shephen Mascord - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1201_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:21pm EST
Tue, 18 April 2023
On this episode Jon Scott, author of the great book TOM PETTY AND ME returns with more rock and roll stories. Music by : Keith Moon Purchase Tom Petty and Me Jon Scott Facebook Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Kirk Crawford - $107 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo - Mike Millard 5.75 hobo beer Venmo donation Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Dan McBride - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Richard Fusey - $25 Richard Fusey - $20.02 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Fusey - $15.50 Richard Fusey - $11.25 Jason Shepard - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Shephen Mascord - $2
Direct download: RmRGeekShow_1200.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 9:03am EST
Sat, 15 April 2023
On this episode I do a track by track review of the new record by Metallica, 72 Seasons. Music by : Danko Jones Leather Catsuit Metallica Joe Perry Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Kirk Crawford - $107 Venmo (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo - Mike Millard 5.75 hobo beer Venmo donation Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Dan McBride - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Richard Fusey - $25 Richard Fusey - $20.02 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Fusey - $15.50 Richard Fusey - $11.25 Jason Shepard - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 William Moffett - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Shephen Mascord - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1199_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:53pm EST
Sat, 8 April 2023
On this episode I talk about the Motley Crue drama, Blake Johnston calls in with a show review and much more. Music by : The Damned Paul Gilbert Hector The Zombies Greta Van Fleet Torpedohead Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo - (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Mike Millard 5.75 hobo beer Venmo donation
Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Dan McBride - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Sheriff Richard Fusey - $25 Richard Strom - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Richard Fusey - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 James Venners - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lase Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1198.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:15pm EST
Wed, 29 March 2023
On this bonus episode, I play tribute to one of my favorite bands, The Darkness Music by : The Darkness Hot Leg Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo - (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Dan McBride - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jon Tennis - $5 Richard Fusey - $15.50 Gregg Long - $5 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $ Andrew Howe - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Jason Shepard - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Brian Grattidge - $2 Peter Spark - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Todd Cunningham - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Brett Garske - $5 Richard Strom - $20 Richard Fusey - $22.22 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 School of Podcasting - $10 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Douglass Free - $20 Adam Bruscha - $2 Blake Johnston - $10 Benjamin Mueller - $5
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1197_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:56pm EST
Sat, 25 March 2023
On this episode, Michael Street calls in with a drunken show review of Skid Row and Buckcherry and I do a track by track review of the new Winery Dogs album, III Music by : Ian Hunter Saxon Winery Dogs Grande Royal Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo - (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Dan McBride - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jon Tennis - $5 Richard Fusey - $15.50 Gregg Long - $5 Dave Franco - $20 James Venners - $10 Gregg Brofer - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Phillip Vermaelen - $ Andrew Howe - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Jason Shepard - $10 Robert Scott - $5 Brian Grattidge - $2 Peter Spark - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 William Moffett - $2 Todd Cunningham - $10 John Ofenloch - $5 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Brett Garske - $5 Richard Strom - $20 Richard Fusey - $22.22 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 School of Podcasting - $10 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Douglass Free - $20 Adam Bruscha - $2 Blake Johnston - $10 Benjamin Mueller - $5
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1196_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:50pm EST
Thu, 16 March 2023
On this episode, I play a show review of Motley Crue and Def Leppard in Brazil from friend of the Show Dave from Brazil, we talk about Mick Mars leaving the band because they lipsync, we hear some of Nikki Sixx's great songwriting, Steven Laperriere calls in to stroke my ego, and it goes downhill from there. Music by : Fake Names Jethro Tull Angel Billy Squire Screamer Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Cole Thornton - $6 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Dan McBride - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Kirk Crawford - $50 Venmo - (Venmo donation id is @Michael-Butler-11) Steve Morris - $28.76 Richard Fusey - $22.22 Dave Franco - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Richard Fusey - $15.55 Tim Smith - $11 Jason Shepard - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 James Venners - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Nicholas Sandmoe - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Peter Spark - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 William Moffett - $2 Richard Fusey - 2 cents
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1195_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:09pm EST
Fri, 3 March 2023
On this bonus episode, I talk to Erin Riley. She worked in rock radio and the music business for over 40 years. She has a book out called A Dark Force: 20 Years With A Covert Narcissist. We talk rock and she has a ton of stories. I hope you like it. Music by : Aerosmith Purchase Erin's Book on Amazon Erin's Website Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Value for Value Gig donations- Myron Lungbutter - $100 John Nashed - $50 Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Jon Richardson - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Kirk Crawford - $50 Steve Morris - $28.26 Greatness of Ian Hunter Donation Dave Franco - $20 Steve Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Fusey - $15.55 Tim Smith - $11 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.99 Jon Tennis - $5 Nicholas Sandmoe - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 William Moffett - $2 Richard Fusey - $0.02 Value for Value donation
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1195.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:21pm EST
Sat, 25 February 2023
On this episode, my bodyguard and the Rock and Roll Copywriter call in with a show review of Anthrax/Black Label Society and Exodus. Music by: Lucero Uriah Heep Tommy London Ginger Wildheart Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Value for Value Gig donations- Myron Lungbutter - $100 John Nashed - $50 Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Danny Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Jon Richardson - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Kirk Crawford - $50 Steve Morris - $28.26 Greatness of Ian Hunter Donation Dave Franco - $20 Steve Laperriere - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Fusey - $15.55 Tim Smith - $11 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 James Venners - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.99 Jon Tennis - $5 Nicholas Sandmoe - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 William Moffett - $2 Richard Fusey - $0.02 Value for Value donation
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1193_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:45pm EST
Tue, 14 February 2023
On this episode, I geek out on Ian Hunter. Music by: Ian Hunter Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Value for Value Gig donations- Myron Lungbutter - $100 John Nashed - $50 Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Dan McBride - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 and thanks for the Duke’s Mayo 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Philip Vermaelen - $2 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Jason Shepard - $10 Peter Spark - $5 Vincent Crimi - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Robert Scott - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Todd Cunningham - $10 William Moffett - $2 John Ofenloch - $5 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Stephen Mascord - $2 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Brett Garske - $5 Richard Strom - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 School of Podcasting - $10 Dave Alexander - $2 Douglas Free - $20 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Blake Johnston - $10 Richard Fusey - 9.99 Adam Bruscha - $2 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jason Gerken - $20 James Venners - $10 Eric Lentz - $5 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Deborah Dreyfus - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1192_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:55am EST
Sun, 5 February 2023
On this episode, I talk with Guernica Mancini, who just left the band Thundermother, along with the rhythm section. I attempt to get to the bottom of it. Music by: Hank Von Hell featuring Guernica Mancini Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Value for Value Gig donations- Myron Lungbutter - $100 John Nashed - $50 Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 and thanks for the Duke’s Mayo 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Kirk Crawford - $50 Douglas Free - $20 Jason Gerken - $20 Martian Vikings Rule Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jef and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jemes Venners - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.99 Vai/Gash Donation Richard Fusey - $9.99 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Eric Lentz - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthjagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1191.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:10pm EST
Sat, 4 February 2023
On this episode, I talk about Thundermother lineup changes and how it ruined my Saturday morning, I talk about my love of Ian Hunter. I also talk about my love of Warren Zevon and how he is one of the only one of the nominees who should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I also play some good music. Music by: The Loyal Cheaters Ian Hunter Winery Dogs C.C. Voltage Black Aces Warren Zevon Glen Matlock White Reaper Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Value for Value Gig donations- Myron Lungbutter - $100 John Nashed - $50 Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 and thanks for the Duke’s Mayo 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Kirk Crawford - $50 Douglas Free - $20 Jason Gerken - $20 Martian Vikings Rule Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 School of Podcasting - $10 Jef and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jemes Venners - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.99 Vai/Gash Donation Richard Fusey - $9.99 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Eric Lentz - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthjagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1190_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:52pm EST
Sun, 29 January 2023
On this bonus episode I do a track by track review of Steve Vai's latest release, Vai/Gash, which was recorded 30 years ago and finally seeing the light of day. Music by: Vai/Gash Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Value for Value Gig donations- Myron Lungbutter - $100 John Nashed - $50 Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Dan McBride - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Kirk Crawford - $50 Richard Fusey - $50 Birthday Donation dJeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jason Gerken - $20 Martian Vikings Rule! donation Dave Franco - $20 Greg Brofer - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 James Venners - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.99 Dale Roller - $5 Eric Lentz - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Brett Garske - $5 C & H Thornton Enterprises - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffet - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1186-01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 2:07pm EST
Wed, 25 January 2023
My friend Sven Spacebrain from Torpedohead joins me and we breakdown the new song called All Those Wasted Years, featuring Ryan Roxie and Michael Butler Music by: Electric Angels Torpedohead Mike Zero All Those Wasted Years feat. @RyanRoxieOfficial & @MichaelButlerRnRGeek Single Out now ! Available on all music download and streaming services: Follow Torpedohead : FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: Torpedohead Shop: Torpedohead on SPOTIFY: Video Credits: Filmed at Heaven Records, Worms Footage of Ryan Roxie courtesy of himself & filmed by Dave Rattenbury Footage of Michael Butler courtesy of himself & filmed by Rockandrollgeek Actors: Customer girl: Kim Englert Store owner: Peter Englert TV guy: Andreas Zanger Special thx to Heaven Records: Oliver Brandt Jorg von Dücker All Those Wasted Years mixed and mastered by Siggi Bemm at Woodhouse Studios Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Value for Value Gig donations- Myron Lungbutter - $100 John Nashed - $50 Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Dan McBride - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Kirk Crawford - $50 Richard Fusey - $50 Birthday Donation dJeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Jason Gerken - $20 Martian Vikings Rule! donation Dave Franco - $20 Greg Brofer - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Steven Laperriere - $20 Richard Strom - $20 James Venners - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.99 Dale Roller - $5 Eric Lentz - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Brett Garske - $5 C & H Thornton Enterprises - $5 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffet - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1188_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:34pm EST
Wed, 18 January 2023
On this episode I do a track by track review of the The Baboon Show - God Bless You All. Also on the show, I pay tribute to Jeff Beck, talk about the Butlers Weekend Tour and much more. Music by: Grande Royale Jeff Beck UFO The Baboon Show Black Star Riders Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Butler's Amazon Wish List Thanks to this month's Donors! Value for Value Gig donations- Myron Lungbutter - $100 John Nashed - $50 Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Dan McBride - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Shinbone Starr - $100 Tecate donation Kirk Crawford - $50 Michael Street - $61 birthday donation Kirk Crawford - $61 birthday donation Richard Fusey - $50 birthday donation Alodie Johns - $25 Steven Laperriere $20 Richard Strom - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 birthday donation Douglas Free - $20 Mark Bridges - $20 birthday donation Vincent Crimi - $20 birthday donation Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Jason Shepard - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Todd Cuningham - $10 James Venners - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.99 Perter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 C & H Thornton Enterprises - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Eric Lentz - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Brett Garske - $5 C & H Thornton Enterprises - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Adam Bruscha - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1187_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:01pm EST
Sat, 7 January 2023
On this episode I do a track by track review of the Iggy Pop Album, Every Loser. Music by: Iggy Pop Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Dan McBride - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Tim Schall - $100 Stay frosty my friend. Hope you have a great Christmas. Thanks for bringing so much goodness to my life. Shinbone Starr - $100 tecate donation Kirk Crawford - $50 Robert Giglio - $50 Richard Fusey - $50 birthday donation Kirk Crawford - $61 birthday donation Gregg Brofer - $20 birthday donation Michael Street - $20 birthday donation Mark Bridges - $20 birthday donation Dave Franco - $20 Douglas Free - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Vincent Crimi - $20 birthday donation Bradley Lisko - $10 Ralph Miller - $10 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Blake Johnston - $10 James Venners - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.99 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 C & H Thornton Enterprises - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Robert Scott - $5 John Ofenloch - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 C & H Thornton Enterprises - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Eric Lentz - $5 C & H Thornton Enterprises - $5 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Dale Roller - $5 Kai Matsuda - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Adam Gerstein - $2 Adam Bruscha - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 William Moffett - $2 Lasse Satvedthagen - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1186_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:27pm EST
Sun, 1 January 2023
On this episode I play my top ten albums of 2022 (give or take 6 or 7). Music by: Bryan Adams Hardcore Superstar Massive Wagons Rokets Spot McCrakin Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners Goodbye June Ravagers Hellacopters Vandoliers Fast Eddy Cruel Intentions The Black Halos Michael Monroe Diamond Dogs Thundermother De Piratas Tuk Smith & The Restless Hearts The Good The Bad and The Zugly Listen to all of these bands on Amazon Music and I get a kickback. Donate to the show - Rock and Roll Geek Friends And Family Membership DONATE ON PATREON! GET THE ROCK and ROLL GEEK APP FOR iPHONE OR ANDROID! iPhone/iPad - ANDROID Joe Pawlak - $16.66 Dan Gerawan - $15 Tim Schall - $15 Kirk Crawford - $12.77 Fred and Ginny Bunke - $10 Joseph Coyne - $10 Michael Street - $7.50 Dave Slusher - $5.55 Brad Schultz - $5 Brad Shick - $5 Brian Springer - $5 Chiaki Hinohara - $5 Dan McBride - $5 Daniel Borden - $5 Erik Klein - $5 Grant Farquhar - $5 Hava FX - $5 James Shapiro - $5 Jamie Jefford - $5 Jon Scott - $5 Justin Lefkowitz - $5 Martin Clawley - $5 Michael Brown - $5 Nadi Itani - $5 Paul Smith - $5 Robert Harvey - $5 Steve Trice - $5 Ted Wilbrecht - $5 Mike Hellyer - 4 pounds Mike Dixon - $3 Chad Burns - $2.50 Paul Roub - $2.25 Adrian Boschan - $2 Amelia Bowen - $2 Bruce McMillan - $2 Eric Stowell - $2 Patrick Shanahan - $2 Paul Underwood - $2 RnR Pleeb - $1.42 3Legs4wheels - $1 Arne Stach - $1 Corey Koehler - $1 Jon Richardson - $1 Mark Mazzei - $1 Paypal Donors Tim Schall - $100 Stay frosty my friend. Hope you have a great Christmas. Thanks for bringing so much goodness to my life. Shinbone Star - $100 Michael Street - $61 birthday donation Kirk Crawford - $61 birthday donation Richard Fusey - $50 birthday donation Robert Giglio - $50 Kirk Crawford - $50 Gregg Brofer - $20 Birthday donation Vincent Crimi - $20 birthday donation Mark Bridges - $20 birthday donation Douglas Free - $20 Richard Strom - $20 Dave Franco - $20 Gregg Brofer - $20 Jeff and Cheri Thieleke - $10 School of Podcasting - $10 Todd Cunningham - $10 Jason Shepard - $10 Bradley Lisco - $10 James Venners - $10 Blake Jonston - $10 Richard Fusey - $9.99 Jennifer Wilbrecht - $5 Benjamin Mueller - $5 C & H Thornton Enterprises - $5 Eric Lentz - $5 Gregg Long - $5 Andrew Howe - $5 Dale Roller - $5 Jon Tennis - $5 Peter Spark - $5 Robert Scott - $5 C & H Thornton Enterprises - $5 John OFenloch - $5 Brett Garske - $5 Jayce Lesniewski - $5 Christopher Del Grande - $5 Adam Brusha - $2 Kai Matsuda - $2 Stephen Mascord - $2 Vincent Crimi - $2 Deborah Dreyfus - $2 Philip Vermaelen - $2 Brian Grattidge - $2 Chad Kiffmeyer - $2 Dave Alexander - $2 William Moffett - $2
Direct download: RnRGeekShow_1185_01.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:05pm EST