Sun, 28 September 2008
On this extra long episode, I play some concert reviews from friends of the show of The Wildhearts and The Hives/Queens of The Stone Age and a conversation I had with Mark and John from Talking Metal. We talk about their Fuse TV show the Chinese Democracy leaks, Metallica, and other rock talk. I also read some emails, give away the Monte Melnick book 'On The Road With The Ramones' talk about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees and read some less than complimentary forum posts. All in all, a good long trainwreck for your listening pleasure! Music from: The Fags The Wildhearts AC/DC Bryan Adams This episode is sponsored by Go to and get 35 free songs!
Direct download: rockandrollgeek-127053-09-28-2008_pshow_270010.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 4:44pm EST |
Sat, 20 September 2008
This is the 4th anniversary of the Rock and Roll Geek Show and I celebrate by playing a new Paul Westerberg song and by doing anohter Classic Albums Revisited segment. This record is an under appreciated gem from Ellen Foley called Nightout. It was produced by Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson. Ian Hunter's entire touring band played on the record as well. Purchase the music you hear on this show: Paul Westerberg This show is sponsored by Use the promo code Butler15 at checkout and get 15% off any order. Use the promo code Butler20 and get 20% off any order of $75 or more. Shoe of The Week :
Direct download: rockandrollgeek-126353-09-20-2008_pshow_268477.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 4:38pm EST |
Sun, 14 September 2008
An interview with Ramones tour manager of 22 years, Monte Melnick. He was there from the beginning and he saw it all. He wrote a book about it called 'On The Road With The Ramones'
Direct download: rockandrollgeek-125752-09-14-2008_pshow_266050.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 2:47am EST |
Sun, 7 September 2008
Bash and Pop Metallica Bang Camaro Go to and get 35 songs for free!
Direct download: rockandrollgeek-125137-09-07-2008_pshow_265405.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 11:32am EST |